Turn your Notion pages into eBooks in seconds.

Everything you need to create your eBook.
Create your eBook in three simple steps.
Export your Notion page (including subpages) in "Markdown & CSV" format.

One price, for everyone.
One-Time Payment
- MacOS only! Windows coming soon.
- No Subscriptions
- Install on as many devices as you like
- Create as many eBooks as you want.
- Lifetime Updates - including new features

Frequently asked questions
What operating systems does Parchment support?
Parchment only supports MacOS (intel and M-series chips)! We are working on adding Windows support soon.
Does Parchment support Notion Databases?
We are currently working on supporting Notion Databases! At this time, however, Parchment will only work with Notion pages. If your content is in a database, copy or move it to a page, then Parchment will work.
How many eBooks can I create?
You can create as many eBooks as you want!
How can I customize my eBook?
We are currently working on a theme system that will allow you to customize the look of your eBook. This includes different themes for syntax highlighting, typography, and more.
How can I contact support?
Email us at parchmentapp@pm.me
Can I get a refund?
Since Parchment doesn't require a software license, it can't be refunded. If the app is not working for you, please email us at parchmentapp@pm.me for support.